Monday, July 28, 2014

Que Sera Sera

Destiny does not always go according to plan.  In one way or another, it'll screw you up and leave you on the floor with nothing but scattered pieces of that bygone dream.  You might even think of ending everything right there and then just so you never have to feel that pain again.

But that's life.. Our control over what may happen to us is nothing short of a baby's grip.  We choose what we want to do but in the end, what happens, happens.  Whatever will be, will be.  That's just the way life goes.

But hey, if things don't turn out the way you want them to, don't cry over spilled milk.  It will only make you feel more depressed than you already are.  Get yourself together and move on.  You don't have to turn your back on your past.  Just keep it at a distance far enough so it doesn't interfere with your future.  That way, not only do you keep yourself sane, you get to be a stronger person too.  Now, wouldn't that be nice? :)

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