Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Never asked for perfect

Never asked for much

Only for sincerity

With a loving touch

Never knowing where I stand

Never knowing where to go

An endless toxic marching band

So consuming from the get-go

It seems that every time I put myself first

I leave behind a trail of negative outburst

Like chains pulling me back to rock bottom

Like an anchor weighing me down to stagnation

To run far, far away and disappear from their sight

To take what's left of me and start a better, healthier life

To find people who'll sincerely love me for me

To be found by people who'd never use nor crucify me

To be part of a home that's welcoming and warm

To be part of a person who'll never do me harm

To be seen for who I am and not in a bad light

To be heard for my words and not by spite

That's all this heart really hopes for in this life

That's all this soul has craved for to find

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