Saturday, May 28, 2022

 Hiring Someone From Overseas isn't as Bad as You Think

    There's a new trend in the online world right now that has slowly integrated itself in most fields of work: hiring virtual assistants.  Assistants we get, but virtual? How does that work?

    In this new age, the internet has become the powerhouse of marketing and communications. TV and radio just isn't enough. Even movies, unless it's something from Marvel, gain more views on Netflix than an actual cinema. Everything happens virtually most of the time, especially with social distancing protocols still practiced.  Covid-19 really pushed back the entire world and without virtual operations, most companies wouldn't have survived. This is where virtual assistants come in as more than just handy. They actually become a necessity.

    Now, hiring virtually is one thing. Hiring virtually overseas? A lot of trust issues there, I know. But with inflation rates steadily rising each year, it makes sense to check other alternatives and get quality work, if not better, at a lower cost. Well, Hello, Philippines.

    Filipinos boast high retention rates because of their world-famous work ethic and loyalty to their employers. They quickly fit right in because they speak English fluently, and they're used to working in different time zones. Filipinos are always eager to learn and aren't afraid to push themselves to be at par with the world. Friendly and festive, professional and loyal. They don't quit unless you give them a reason to quit. That's the Filipino spirit. Imagine having someone with that kind of drive on your team that can adapt and keep up with your clients.

    Virtual assistants in the Philippines have been on the rise and have received high appraisals from international companies everywhere. They speak very highly of Filipino VA's thanks to the quality of work and loyalty they receive. Despite having access to most of their employer's financial accounts, honesty and integrity always come first. Such practices earned them an untarnished reputation to this day.

    So if you're on the lookout for your next dream team, I hope you point your sails towards the Philippines. We're ready!

Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Never asked for perfect

Never asked for much

Only for sincerity

With a loving touch

Never knowing where I stand

Never knowing where to go

An endless toxic marching band

So consuming from the get-go

It seems that every time I put myself first

I leave behind a trail of negative outburst

Like chains pulling me back to rock bottom

Like an anchor weighing me down to stagnation

To run far, far away and disappear from their sight

To take what's left of me and start a better, healthier life

To find people who'll sincerely love me for me

To be found by people who'd never use nor crucify me

To be part of a home that's welcoming and warm

To be part of a person who'll never do me harm

To be seen for who I am and not in a bad light

To be heard for my words and not by spite

That's all this heart really hopes for in this life

That's all this soul has craved for to find

Monday, March 7, 2022


Some facts I've gathered about motherhood:

1.) Negotiation is your most powerful arsenal.  Polish it for best results.  They will always find their way out of (or in) anything, make sure you are your best lawyer.

2.) There is no kid so thirsty, so hungry and so curious as a kid told to get ready for bed.  Extend patience for sanity's sake.

3.) No coffee could ever match your kid's energy so go decaf.  You'll sleep better.

4.) As tempting as it is to scream when something breaks or gets lost, their eyes are more important.  Keep them tear-free.  Anything bought can easily be changed while anything raised can never be replaced.

5.) It'll rain a hell lot of No's more than Yes's.  And that's okay.  It's part of making sure the little ones don't grow up to be self-indulged assh*les.  The world will thank you later.

6.) Laugh.  A lot.  Laugh at the fart jokes, the unintentional mess, the sugar rush induced hyperkid running around and climbing on your back, the brainfreezes, the made-up words from their own dictionary, the most absurd video requests, the endless talking voice in the background as you try to watch tv or read a book, the monkey clinging to your legs, just laugh and take in all the silly.  They are only young once.

7.) Speaking of monkeys, monkey see money do is so true.  Be wary of your actions and words around them.  They. Absorb. Everything.

8.) Your bag is no longer your bag.  It becomes everyone's luggage and yet, your job alone to carry.

9.) Always keep emergency beer in the fridge at all times.  Beer is the new (adult) bandaid.

10.) There simply is no one way to parenthood.  Each anecdote is unique so whatever your journey is, happy sailing!  May the force, the odds, the infinity stone, the tesseract, and the wet wipes be strong and all work in your favor! 🦸

Monday, March 22, 2021

Day 4: Dancing

(365 days of writing prompts)

Huwaw. Dancing? And me? Apocalyptic.

Something that can only be brought about by the end of civilization. Cosmic forces. Or gin. 😂

I can do a move or two but nothing like the ones worth posting.

I believe I've lost that confidence genome somewhere along my growth spurt.

My youth was a different story. Being on stage was second nature to me.

I loved being called for practices, attending rehearsals, and memorizing speeches. Made me feel proper special, you see.

I think since I had a hard time making friends, those performances made me feel like I belong and gave me something to look forward to at school.

My inhibitions left the building while I was on stage and I loved it.

As I grew older, I leaned more into singing since I could blend in with the choir and not have a panic attack each time a solo performance was required.

I no longer grabbed microphones nor volunteered to be front and center.

This made me realize that to be young was to be unapologetically confident.

Youth gave us a phase to be our inner divas, peer pressure be damned.

Growing up, you either own it all the more or completely lose it, only to be rediscovered at the most alcohol-induced times of your life.

As for dancing in itself, the only kind I think I could ever relate to would have to be the simplest steps known to man or the sweet, slow dances just like the movies. Plus, I'd have to be so intoxicated to even shed a glimmer of confidence to do that. No guarantees, though, that it would be pretty sight.

This topic is so hard to write about personally because I have zero flow. 😅

You can see the struggle as you read this but I'm pushing myself to keep going.

I have no idea which puns to use, which directions to take, which side to explore.

I feel like a student taking the longest route possible to reach an essay's word count in an exam.

As I write this, only one song plays on repeat for hopes of inspiring me to come up with an anecdote connected to dancing but nada.

Starting to wish I skipped this writing prompt but that would be cheating and I'm trying to trust the process.

For what it's worth, I hope this is, at the least, mildly entertaining for the kind soul miraculously reading padin my blog. Biglang nag-tagalog? LOL. Daming alam ng naglista ng writing prompts na 'to! Struggle is real. For the non-pinoys, translate at your own risk. 😜

Before more damage can be done to this already crumbling blog entry, I have to end this now.

Forgive me for the worst writing of my life. This is just not up my alley.

Dancing and Maddy just don't mix.

I could've written more about aliens than dan-freakin-cing.

Disclaimer: I don’t choose the titles.  They are generated randomly.